One Room Challenge Week 6:

It is week 6 of the Spring 2020 One Room Challenge and there are only 2 weeks left until the final reveal.

You would think having two weeks between posts would leave me a little more prepared this week but that’s not always the way things work out. Not much has changed in the room since week 5. To be honest, I am struggling with the finishing touches and found myself waiting on shipping delays that I am sure most designers are also encountering this season.

While I consider myself a go with a flow and jump all in kind of person, these delays, the subsequent changes that had to be made and world events as of late were leaving me a little uninspired in the space. This week I made the decision to not work on the room but rather take a step back, look at the progress that has been made and formulate a new plan.

With that being said and in order to build a little suspense, mostly because not much has changed in the last two weeks, there will only be little peeks at the space until the final reveal.

Stay tuned for updates and as always, don't forget to follow along each week to see the progress of each of the Featured Designers and Guest Participants

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